
Building a Solid Foundation: The Key to Unlocking Holistic Wellness

August 04, 20243 min read

Hey there, health seekers! Today, we're diving into something I'm really passionate about - the six foundation principles of real health. We are reviewing the six foundations that I use to help my clients transform their lives. These aren’t complicated secrets - they’re simple, powerful tools that anyone can use. Let’s break them down in a way that’s easy to understand and put into action.

six foundations of holistic health

  1. Thinking: Your mind is a powerful tool. We’ll explore how your thoughts shape your reality and health. I’ll share some easy tricks to keep your mind positive and focused.

  2. Breathing: It’s not just about getting oxygen - it’s about how you breathe. We’ll look at simple breathing exercises that can calm your mind and energize your body.

  3. Nutrition: Food is fuel, but it’s also information for your body. We’ll talk about how to choose foods that make you feel awesome, not just full.

  4. Hydration: Water is life! We’ll discuss why staying hydrated is so important and some fun ways to drink more water throughout your day.

  5. Sleep: Quality sleep is when your body repairs itself. I’ll share my top tips for getting better sleep, even if you’re super busy.

  6. Movement: Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. We’ll explore ways to make movement fun and natural in your daily life.

Throughout the blog, I’ll share real stories from my clients who’ve used these foundations to change their lives. You’ll get practical tips you can start using today, and see how all these pieces fit together for total wellness.

These aren't complicated theories or fancy medical jargon. They're simple, everyday things we all do: thinking, breathing, nutrition, hydration, sleep, and movement.

medical papers

You know, in my practice, I've seen how easy it is to get lost in the maze of complex health information. Fancy lab tests, complicated charts, and confusing results - it's enough to make your head spin! But here's the thing: all that complexity often just leads to more confusion.

That's why I always come back to these six basics. They're like the ABCs of health - simple, but incredibly powerful. Think about it: these are things we all do every day, just by being human.

web of life

What 's really interesting is how each of these principles can make or break our wellbeing. Skip out on any one of them, and you'll feel the effects pretty quickly. Not thinking clearly? You might make poor decisions. Not breathing properly? Your stress levels could skyrocket. And we all know how we feel when we're not eating right, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, or moving our bodies. It's hard to not skew the total tensegrity of the web if one or more strands are affected.

In the blogs to come, we're going to dive deep into each of these principles. I'll show you how they work together to create a foundation for amazing health. And the best part? It's all stuff you can start doing right now, no fancy equipment or expensive programs needed. Next we will cover each foundational principle in depth.

Remember, true health isn't about perfection or complexity. It's about getting the basics right, consistently. So, are you ready to simplify your health journey and see real results? Let's do this!

Love and chi,


Lewin Thomas is a holistic health practitioner with a unique background that shapes his comprehensive approach to wellness. A former US Navy veteran and aircraft structural mechanic, Lewin's journey towards holistic health began when he discovered the world-renowned CHEK Institute.

Specializing in Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology (CHEK), Lewin underwent an extensive 6-year training program that combined practical and theoretical study of anatomy, fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, and holistic therapies. This comprehensive education allowed him to develop a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and how to achieve optimal health and fitness.

Like many CHEK Practitioners, Lewin started as a personal trainer but soon realized that there was much more to understand in order to truly support his clients' well-being. With his unique blend of military discipline, mechanical expertise, and holistic knowledge, Lewin is dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life.

Lewin J Thomas

Lewin Thomas is a holistic health practitioner with a unique background that shapes his comprehensive approach to wellness. A former US Navy veteran and aircraft structural mechanic, Lewin's journey towards holistic health began when he discovered the world-renowned CHEK Institute. Specializing in Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology (CHEK), Lewin underwent an extensive 6-year training program that combined practical and theoretical study of anatomy, fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, and holistic therapies. This comprehensive education allowed him to develop a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and how to achieve optimal health and fitness. Like many CHEK Practitioners, Lewin started as a personal trainer but soon realized that there was much more to understand in order to truly support his clients' well-being. With his unique blend of military discipline, mechanical expertise, and holistic knowledge, Lewin is dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life.

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