Foundation Principle #1. Harnessing the Power of Thoughts: Understanding the Impact on Your Reality
Hey there, health warriors! Today, we're diving deep into the first of our six foundation principles: Thinking. But before we jump in, let's do a quick recap. Can you remember all six? That's right: thoughts, breathing, movement, hydration, nutrition, and sleep. It's like a little health rhyme - try saying it out loud, and I bet it'll stick in your head!
Now, let's talk about thoughts. Most people don't realize this, but thoughts are powerful things. They move at the speed of light - no joke! Here's a mind-blowing fact for you: every thought you think wraps around the entire globe seven times in just one second. Wild, right?
Think about it this way: if you're having negative thoughts, you're not just affecting yourself. You're sending those vibes out to everyone on the planet, seven times a second. That's why positive thinking isn't just good for you - it's good for everyone!
Let me break it down for you. Your body is like an ice cube - solid and dense. Your emotions are like water - they flow. And your thoughts? They're like air. You can't see them, but they're there, influencing everything.
Here 's a little experiment for you. Next time you wake up thinking, "Ugh, I gotta go to work," notice how heavy that feels. That thought literally weighs you down. It's no wonder more people kick the bucket at 9 AM on Monday than any other time!
Now , here's the kicker: only healthy people can truly choose their thoughts. I can't tell you how many of my clients have said, "Lewin, I get what you're saying, but I can't stop the negative thoughts." And you know what I tell them? It's because a sick body can only encourage sick thinking.
Think about it. If your back is always hurting, you're in constant pain. Pain leads to fear, fear produces stress hormones, and before you know it, you're stuck in a loop of negative thinking. It's all connected - your body, your emotions, your thoughts.
But here's the good news: as you start taking care of yourself and sticking to these six foundation principles, things start to shift. Your body feels better, you have more energy, and suddenly, positive thinking becomes easier.
It 's like a domino effect. Better digestion leads to better metabolism. Better metabolism means more warmth in your body. That warmth stimulates your nervous system, and boom - clearer thinking!
Remember , your thoughts create your reality. Happy thoughts lift you up, while negative thoughts weigh you down. Don't believe me? Try this: close your eyes and think about a time someone did something really nice for you. Feel how light and expansive that makes you feel. Now, think about a time someone mistreated you. Heavy, right?
That 's why it's so crucial to get your body healthy. A healthy body with good digestion, good metabolism, and proper rest is like a well-tuned antenna. It can pick up all the positive frequencies life has to offer.
So, here's the bottom line: stinking thinking produces a stinking environment. And often, that stinking thinking comes from an unhealthy body. But when you get your body right, your thinking follows suit. The way you are on the inside is the way you see the outside. Change the inside, and you change your whole world.

Remember, when you nail these six foundation principles, your thinking reaches its full potential. And since most of us are paid to think, when you think well, you earn well. And when you earn well, you can live the life of your dreams.
Alright, health warriors, that's the scoop on thinking. Next up, we'll be talking about breathing. Get ready to learn how to truly nourish your body and mind with every breath!