Six pillars of health

Foundations of Holistic Health

July 17, 20242 min read

🌱 Holistic Health: Unlocking Vitality Through Hydration, Thinking, and Breathing 🌱

Hey there, awesome people!

Lewin here again, and I'm stoked to continue our chat about holistic health. Remember how we talked about sleep, food, and movement? Well, buckle up, because we're diving into three more game-changers: hydration, thinking, and breathing. These are the secret weapons that'll take your health to the next level!

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1. Hydration: Are you giving your body the water it's begging for? Staying hydrated is like giving your cells a refreshing shower. It keeps everything running smooth, from your brain to your muscles. But here's the kicker - it's not just about chugging water. It's about finding that sweet spot that works for YOU. Some folks need more, some need less. And hey, don't forget about those juicy fruits and veggies - they're hydration heroes too!

2. Thinking: Your thoughts are like the GPS of your life. They guide you, shape your reality, and even affect your physical health. Are you feeding your mind with positive, empowering thoughts? Or are you stuck in a loop of negative self-talk? I'm all about cultivating a mindset that serves you. Meditation, affirmations, or even just taking a moment to appreciate the good stuff can work wonders. Remember, your mind is a powerful tool - use it to build yourself up, not tear yourself down!

3. Breathing: Now, this might sound obvious, but hear me out. Most of us aren't breathing right! Proper breathing is like a superpower - it can calm your nerves, boost your energy, and even help with pain. Try this: take a deep breath right now, filling up your belly first, then your chest. Feel that? That's what your body craves. Practicing mindful breathing throughout the day can be a total game-changer.

When you nail these three aspects along with sleep, food, and movement, you're setting yourself up for some serious awesomeness. It's like tuning up your car - everything just runs better! So, are you ready to level up your hydration game? To harness the power of positive thinking? To breathe your way to better health? If you're nodding along, you know what to do - hit me up! Let's create a plan that incorporates ALL these elements and gets you feeling like the rockstar you are. Remember, your health isn't just about avoiding sickness. It's about feeling vibrant, energized, and ready to crush your goals. Let's make it happen!

Stay awesome and keep breathing,


P.S. Got questions about hydration, thinking, or breathing? Drop them in the comments. I'm all ears and can't wait to share more juicy health tips with you all!

Lewin Thomas is a holistic health practitioner with a unique background that shapes his comprehensive approach to wellness. A former US Navy veteran and aircraft structural mechanic, Lewin's journey towards holistic health began when he discovered the world-renowned CHEK Institute.

Specializing in Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology (CHEK), Lewin underwent an extensive 6-year training program that combined practical and theoretical study of anatomy, fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, and holistic therapies. This comprehensive education allowed him to develop a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and how to achieve optimal health and fitness.

Like many CHEK Practitioners, Lewin started as a personal trainer but soon realized that there was much more to understand in order to truly support his clients' well-being. With his unique blend of military discipline, mechanical expertise, and holistic knowledge, Lewin is dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life.

Lewin J Thomas

Lewin Thomas is a holistic health practitioner with a unique background that shapes his comprehensive approach to wellness. A former US Navy veteran and aircraft structural mechanic, Lewin's journey towards holistic health began when he discovered the world-renowned CHEK Institute. Specializing in Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology (CHEK), Lewin underwent an extensive 6-year training program that combined practical and theoretical study of anatomy, fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, and holistic therapies. This comprehensive education allowed him to develop a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and how to achieve optimal health and fitness. Like many CHEK Practitioners, Lewin started as a personal trainer but soon realized that there was much more to understand in order to truly support his clients' well-being. With his unique blend of military discipline, mechanical expertise, and holistic knowledge, Lewin is dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life.

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