Recalculating: How Your Thoughts Navigate Life's Journey
Hey there, health warriors! I’m excited to help you continue on our recent topic. I want to expand further and detail some practical points that you can start implementing now for immediate holistic revamp of your vitality.

Thinking: Your Mental GPS
Alright, let’s dive deeper into the world of thoughts. Think of your mind as a super-powerful GPS. Where are your thoughts leading you?
Here’s a mind-blowing fact: research shows that the average person thinks about 90,000 thoughts a day. But here’s the kicker - about 90% of those thoughts are negative! That’s why we need to practice some serious mental hygiene and tidy up our thought sphere.
Remember what we said earlier? Negative thoughts don’t just affect you - they’re zipping around the globe seven times a second. So, let’s flip the script and focus on the positive.
You Become What You Think About

There’s this ancient saying that goes, “That which you gaze upon, you become.” So, what are you constantly thinking about? Are those thoughts helping or hurting you?
Here’s a quote I love: “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.” It’s all about perspective, folks!
Think about it - how much can you really improve by fretting and stinking thinking? Not much, right? In fact, every time you think negatively, you’re basically training your brain to think negatively in the future. It’s like you’re creating a bad habit for your mind.
The Alchemical Wisdom of Thoughts
Here’s some alchemical wisdom for you: Thoughts lead to words, and words lead to deeds. If we want to do good in this world, we’ve got to start by watching our thoughts and words.
Metacognition: Becoming Aware of Your Thoughts

Now, let’s talk about metacognition. Fancy word, right? It just means being aware of your own thought processes. It might sound complicated, but there are some super practical ways to do this:
Stream of Consciousness Journaling: Set aside time to write three full pages, non-stop. Don’t judge, just write whatever comes to mind.
Thought Analysis: After you’re done writing, grab some colored highlighters. Look for common themes, like “should’ve, could’ve, would’ve” thoughts, or what I call “mental ants” - those pesky “I can’t,” “I won’t,” “I should/shouldn’t” thoughts.
This raw data gives you a clear picture of your mental templates or mindset. Once you spot these patterns, you can start to change them.
Rewiring Your Brain
Here’s where the magic happens. Use positive affirmations, mantras, or prayers. Repeat them often.
It’s like you’re programming your brain with good vibes.
Another powerful tool? Gratitude. There’s this cool part of your brain called the reticular activating system. It’s like a spotlight that focuses on what you value. The more you appreciate things, the stronger your nervous system becomes, and the better you feel overall.
Mindfulness: Your Secret Weapon
In our distracted world, mindfulness is like a superpower. Here are some ways to practice:
Set a timer for 10 minutes. Sit quietly and try to clear your mind.
Focus on a single point or a candle flame for 10 minutes.
Enjoy a meal in nature with some nice music. Really savor the experience.
The more you do one thing at a time, the more you improve your concentration and sense of oneness.
Focus on Your Ideal Self

Remember what the famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore said? “Religion is about ideals, not idols.” Focus on your ideal self. Become what you dream about.
Instead of worrying about the future or regretting the past, use your mental energy to create your dream life. Set positive, specific, measurable, and realistic goals. Then, use the power of your thoughts to make them happen.
So there you have it, health warriors. Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Use them wisely, and you’ll be amazed at how your life transforms. Next up, we’ll dive into the power of breathing. Get ready to learn how every breath can nourish your body and mind!